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Office Location

197B US-40 | TroyIL | 62294

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.

(888) 437-9326


What Our Clients Are Saying

Embrace is the best for web-based IEP, 504, and Medicaid software. I am finishing up my 7th year of working with Embrace and their customer service support is superb.

Travis Friedrich
Macon-Piatt Special Education District, Illinois

My request was responded to and addressed in a very short time - and it was during a weekend! I am very impressed by the support they provide.

Merisue Harden
Victoria Independent School District, Texas

Embrace did an awesome job of helping me resolve my technical issues. I was impressed by how quickly and efficiently they could help me. Every person I have spoken to is so kind and personable! I highly recommend Embrace to everyone! 

Emily Wootton
Alpine School District, Utah